United Martial Arts


Martial Arts for all ages.

Qigong, Taichi and Bagua Zhang for Adults over 40


Every day is different:

Tai Chi

For generations, people throughout China have enjoyed the practice of this graceful yet effective form of the Chinese Martial arts. Tai Chi is famous for its graceful movements and its stress relieving effects on the mind and body.

This Chinese Martial Art combines relaxation and exercise in a series of continuous, flowing body movements. The slow motions of this form help to cultivate effortless movement, and create a feeling of calmness.

People of all ages can benefit from Tai Chi training. Tai Chi practice can increase the oxygen intake into the bloodstream improving circulation, stamina, and endurance. We teach Wang Wu, Chen and Yong styles of Tai Chi. We also teach Zen Wellness and Doh-Yi Chigong.

Bagua Zhang

Bagua Zhang is an internal martial art which in general attempts to use the knowledge of the nature of Qi (or Chi, used here interchangably) to increase speed, power, effectiveness and health benefits of their art. Bagua Zhang uses Taoist based qigong techniques and philosophy merged with a circular style of twisting martial techniques including evasive footwork and palm changes.

Open hand forms are fluid and always moving. There is little emphasis on static stance training. The energy is derived from "walking the circle" with the waist twisted and the hands open. With proper instruction and diligent practice, Bagua Zhang - through its fusion of philosophy, qigong, and martial art - can be both a highly effective means of self defense and promote physical and spiritual well-being.


Jujitsu, literally meaning the "art of softness", consists primarily of grappling techniques. Jujitsu evolved among the samurai of feudal Japan as a method for dispatching an armed and armoured opponent in situations where the use of weapons was impractical or forbidden.

Due to the difficulty of dispatching an armored opponent with striking techniques, the most efficient methods for neutralizing an enemy took the form of pins, joint locks, and throws. These techniques were developed around the principle of using an attacker's energy against him, rather than directly opposing it, and came to be known as jujitsu

Tae kwon do

Students do exercises which develop strength, flexibility, endurance, speed, balance, memory, concentration, coordination and self-control and self-defense skills to name a few.

One of the keys to the success of Tae Kwon Do is that the exercises are fun, the students see results, and they are inspired to do more. This course includes training in basic kick, punch and blocking techniques and forms (katas). The techniques in this program have been derived from Karate and Kong Su Do.

Kung Fu

Developed in the Hunan province of China in the 5th Century AD. A famous Buddhist monk, Da Mo, came from India to China and spent many years teaching Buddhism at the Shaolin Temple. During this period of his life he developed a system of physical and breathing exercises which developed into what is now known as Kung Fu. The physical exercises were devised by watching and imitating the movements of different animals. Da Mo took the best of what nature had to offer and combined it into a system which mankind could use and understand. Breathing exercises were developed to improve health and strength to the bodies inner organs. Although physical exercise can strengthen the body and limbs, Da Mo knew he needed to keep the inner organs healthy since they provided the fuel to keep the body going. As a person's breathing becomes better and his or her organs become stronger, that person will begin to develop "Chi". Chi is the ability to reach inside and draw power from within the body itself. This power comes directly from the "Dan Tien" which is located in the lower abdomen. We teach many Kung Fu forms including Northern Shaolin Long Fist, Hung Gar, Five Elements, Five Animal and many more.

Ship Pal Gae

Weapons training is a higher form of mental and physical training. One's mental and physical acuity is developed 3 to 5 times faster than training with an empty hand. At United Martial Arts we begin with the long staff (Jong Bong). This is the beginning level of understanding to all of the other staffed weapons. A total of 18 weapons can be learned here at United Martial Arts. The weapons a student will learn are based on compatibility with their specific body type. In ancient times, there were at least 18 known weapons that a martial artist could utilize. In time and with much practice the grace and beauty of weapons movement begins to take shape as the weapon appears to move the practitioner


Aikido is a non-violent art of self-defense and, unlike other martial arts, has no offensive techniques. Aikido teaches people how to calmly accept and control an attack rather than to react violently to a violent situation. An attack can be looked at as an extension of energy toward a person; an outpouring of a force with violent intent. In Aikido, force is never met with force, but with a gentle blending of our energy with the energy of the attacker. The meaning of the word "Aikido" is a good example of this approach to self- defense. The word Aikido is made up of three characters: the first character is "AI", which means to blend or to harmonize; the second character is "KI", which is dynamic energy or the energy of nature; and the last character is "DO", which means a way of doing things or a path through life. Thus, the word Aikido means "a way of life through harmony with nature". Aikido was founded by Morehei Ueshiba, a renowned martial artist of his time. Master Ueshiba redefined the martial code of budo, which was based on strength and brutality, into a martial way, which is based on the principle of harmony with the Ki of the universe, oneself and the principle of loving protection for all things. While Aikido is an art of self-defense, we must keep in mind that the main purpose of training Aikido is to carry the principles of harmony and non-violence into our daily life. .

Kom Do

Kom Do is a modern martial art of fencing, the Korean equivalent of Japanese kendo. The name means "the way of the sword," and is a cognate with the Japanese term. While tracing it's forms back centuries, the modern application is neither purely a physical exercise nor purely an art of combat. It is a dicipline that requires practice of the mind, body, and spirit so that ultimately the practitioner and the sword move as one

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